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Indian Legends Immortalized: Statues Around the World Worth Visiting

India's rich heritage and influential figures have left a mark worldwide, commemorated through statues and monuments in various countries. These statues not only celebrate the contributions of Indians globally but also serve as significant tourist attractions, drawing visitors who wish to learn about these revered personalities. Here’s a journey through some notable statues of Indians established in honour around the world that are must-visits for every traveller.

1. Mahatma Gandhi Statue in London, UK

Location: Parliament Square, London

Significance: Erected in 2015, this statue honours Mahatma Gandhi, who led the independence movement in India. It stands among other global leaders in Parliament Square and symbolizes Gandhi's enduring legacy of non-violence and peace.

Why Visit: This statue powerfully reminds us of Gandhi's influence on global civil rights movements and provides a peaceful spot for reflection amidst London's bustling cityscape.

2. Swami Vivekananda Statue in Chicago, USA

Location: Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

Significance: Swami Vivekananda’s statue commemorates his historic speech given at the Parliament of World Religions in 1893, which introduced Hinduism to the Western world and emphasized religious tolerance.

Why Visit: The statue is a tribute to Vivekananda's contributions to global interfaith dialogue and his promotion of universal brotherhood.

3. Rabindranath Tagore Statue in Beijing, China

Location: Chaoyang Park, Beijing

Significance: This statue celebrates Rabindranath Tagore, the first non-European Nobel Laureate in Literature. Erected in 2011, it signifies the cultural connection between India and China and honours Tagore's literary genius and philosophical insights.

Why Visit: Visiting this statue allows one to appreciate Tagore's impact on literature and his efforts in fostering Indo-Chinese relations.

4. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Statue in London, UK

Location: Ambedkar House, London

Significance: This statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the primary architect who formed the Indian Constitution, was installed in 2015 in the house where he lived during his academic years at the London School of Economics.

Why Visit: The statue and the house-turned-museum offer insights into Ambedkar’s life and his fight for social justice and equality.

5. Jawaharlal Nehru Statue in Singapore

Location: India Heritage Centre, Singapore

Significance: This statue commemorates Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, and highlights his role in shaping modern India and his vision for the nation’s future.

Why Visit: The statue is part of the India Heritage Centre, which provides a broader context of Indian history and its diaspora's influence in Southeast Asia.

6. Sardar Patel Statue in Toronto, Canada

Location: Sanatan Mandir Cultural Centre, Toronto

Significance: Known as the "Iron Man of India," Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is honoured with this statue for his pivotal role in India's unification.

Why Visit: The statue reminds visitors of Patel’s dedication to national unity and significant contributions to India's political landscape.

7. Mother Teresa Statue in Skopje, North Macedonia

Location: Memorial House of Mother Teresa, Skopje

Significance: This statue is dedicated to Mother Teresa, born in Skopje. She later became a global symbol of humanitarian work through her mission in Kolkata, India.

Why Visit: The memorial house and statue celebrate her legacy of compassion and service to the poorest of the poor.

8. Sri Chinmoy Statue in Oslo, Norway

Location: Holmenkollen, Oslo

Significance: Sri Chinmoy, an Indian spiritual leader and peace advocate, is commemorated with a statue in Norway, recognizing his contributions to world peace through meditation and art.

Why Visit: The statue is in a serene park, offering a tranquil space to reflect Chinmoy's message of inner peace and global harmony.

9. Indira Gandhi Statue in Mauritius

Location: Caudan Waterfront, Port Louis

Significance: Indira Gandhi, India's first female Prime Minister, is honoured with a statue in Mauritius, reflecting her impact on India-Mauritius relations and her leadership.

Why Visit: The statue is a significant cultural landmark celebrating the close ties between the two nations and Gandhi's legacy.

10. Radhabinod Pal Statue in Tokyo, Japan

Location: Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo

Significance: Justice Radhabinod Pal, known for his dissenting opinion in the Tokyo Trials after World War II, is commemorated with a statue honouring his commitment to justice and fairness.

Why Visit: The statue is a testament to Pal's enduring principles and is a significant symbol of judicial integrity.

Global Legacy

Exploring these statues provides a unique way to understand the global impact of Indian leaders and their contributions. Each statue honours a significant figure and narrates legendary stories of cultural exchange and historical significance. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a cultural explorer, or a curious traveller, these statues offer a meaningful connection to India’s rich legacy worldwide. Plan your visits to these statues to gain deeper insights into the lives and achievements of these remarkable individuals.