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Taste the Tradition of Himachal Pradesh with 5 Must-Try GI-Tagged Items

Taste the Tradition of Himachal Pradesh with 5 Must-Try GI-Tagged Items

Himachal Pradesh, a state snuggled in the scenic mountains of the Indian subcontinent, is not just known for its breathtaking landscapes but also for its rich culinary heritage. This heritage is exemplified by its GI (Geographical Indication) tagged foods, which showcase the region's unique agricultural produce and traditional culinary practices. Here are five GI-tagged foods of Himachal Pradesh that you must try:

1. Kangra Tea: Kangra tea is grown in the Kangra Valley and is known for its unique flavour and aroma. It has a delicate taste and is often compared to Darjeeling tea for its quality. It is known for its light, floral notes and smooth finish.

2. Chamba Chukh: Chamba Chukh is a traditional spicy chutney made from dried red chillies and raw mangoes. It has a tangy and spicy flavour that adds zest to various dishes. It is a staple condiment in the region and enhances the taste of any meal.

3. Kala Zeera: Kala Zeera, or black cumin, is a spice known for its distinct flavour and aroma. It is grown at higher altitudes in Himachal Pradesh and is used in various traditional dishes. Kala zeera is a crucial ingredient in the regional cuisine and imparts a unique taste to the food.

4. Kullu Rajma: Kullu Rajma refers to the kidney beans grown in the Kullu region. These beans are known for their rich, earthy flavour and smooth texture. Kullu Rajma is often cooked with spices and served with rice or chapati, making it a staple dish in many households.

5. Chamba Rumal: Although not a food, Chamba Rumal is a traditional embroidered handkerchief that deserves mention for its cultural significance and intricate designs. It is a testament to the artistic heritage of the region. It is often used as a decorative item or a souvenir.

These GI-tagged foods and one cultural item reflect Himachal Pradesh's diverse and vibrant culinary traditions. By trying these local specialities, you can experience the region's authentic flavours and support the preservation of its traditional practices. Whether it is the aromatic Kangra tea or the flavorful Kullu Rajma, each item is a journey into the heart of Himachal's rich culinary culture.

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