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Unravelling the Mysteries of Unakoti: A Hidden Gem of Indian Folklore

Unravelling the Mysteries of Unakoti: A Hidden Gem of Indian Folklore

Nestled in the lush greenery of the northeastern state of Tripura, India, lies a mystical and enigmatic archaeological site known as Unakoti. This hidden gem is shrouded in legends, myths, and historical significance that captivate the imagination of those who venture into its sacred precincts. Unakoti, literally translating to "one less than a crore" in Sanskrit, boasts an array of ancient rock-cut carvings and sculptures that continue to perplex archaeologists and historians alike. In this blog, we explore the wonders and mysteries that surround Unakoti.

Historical Significance:

Unakoti is believed to date back to the 7th to 9th centuries, making it an ancient and culturally rich site. The rock-cut carvings, sculptures, and murals depict a myriad of Hindu deities and mythical creatures, showcasing the artistic prowess of the ancient sculptors who left their mark on this sacred place. The exact origins of Unakoti remain veiled in the mists of time, adding to its allure and mystique.

Legends and Myths:

One of the most intriguing aspects of Unakoti is the number of myths and legends associated with its creation. According to local folklore, Unakoti is said to be the abode of Lord Shiva, who, along with a multitude of deities and celestial beings, embarked on a journey to Kashi. On their way, they decided to spend the night at Unakoti, with the condition that everyone should wake up before sunrise and resume the journey. However, one deity, possibly Lord Shiva himself, failed to wake up on time, resulting in a curse that turned him and his followers into stone sculptures.

The central figure, often identified as Lord Shiva, is an imposing 30-foot high sculpture with a headdress adorned with a crescent moon. The other deities, estimated to number in the thousands, flank the central figure, creating a mesmerizing tableau that evokes a sense of divine presence.

Architectural Marvels:

Unakoti is home to a plethora of rock-cut carvings and sculptures, each bearing testament to the artistic ingenuity of its creators. The intricate detailing on the sculptures, depicting various deities, mythical creatures, and symbols, showcases the skill and craftsmanship of the ancient sculptors. The very scale and magnitude of the premise make it a unique and unparalleled archaeological treasure.

Preservation Challenges:

While Unakoti stands as a testament to India's rich cultural and religious heritage, it faces challenges in terms of preservation. The site is exposed to the elements, and the intricately carved sculptures are susceptible to weathering and erosion. Efforts are underway to ensure the conservation of Unakoti, with initiatives aimed at protecting and restoring this cultural marvel for future generations.


Unakoti, with its mystical aura and ancient carvings, stands as a witness to India's prosperous cultural tapestry. Its legends, myths, and architectural marvels continue to draw curious visitors, historians, and archaeologists, each seeking to unravel the mysteries that lie within its sacred precincts. As we delve into the enigma of Unakoti, we not only uncover a hidden gem of Indian folklore but also gain a deeper appreciation for the ancient civilizations that left their indelible mark on the landscape of this mystical site.

(Photo courtesy: Shubha Bhaumik, Unsplash)

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